Installing Showergel

Installing Showergel requires
  • a Linux box relying on systemd (ie. a recent mainstream distribution),

  • Python, at least version 3.7,

  • pip, check it is available by calling pip --version or pip3 --version

  • a running Liquidsoap radio - version 2.x is Showergel’s best friend.


We assume you already know the basics of Liquidsoap and its script language. If you have never played with only Liquidsoap, we advise you read at least its quick start guide. Then you might use our Showergel’s quickstart.liq script.

Install Showergel by running pip install showergel (maybe replace pip by pip3).

Create an instance with the interactive installer

Run the interactive installer by calling showergel_install. It will explain on the terminal what is happening and what to do from here. If you stick to defaults, the instance’s basename will be radio, so the installer will:

  • create a database (radio.db) and a configuration file (radio.toml) in the current directory,

  • create a systemd user service,

  • enable the service and systemd’s lingering so Showergel will start automatically at boot time.

The installer allows you to create another systemd user service, for your Liquidsoap script. This is recommended, because systemd will automatically launch both Showergel and Liquidsoap. Systemd will also restart them when a crash happens - which is great for your radio’s uptime. If you do so, the installer creates two systemd services with the same basename: for example, radio_gel (Showergel service associated to radio) and radio_soap (wrapper for the Liquidsoap script you provided for radio).

If you choose to not create a service, you will have to (re)start Showergel manually by calling showergel radio.toml.

Before exiting, the installer gives a recap of its actions.


Please pay attention to the installer’s recap: it lists how to run/stop Showergel and gives pointers to important files. Read it twice and copy this information safely.

Unless you configured another port, Showergel will be available at http://localhost:2345/. Showergel’s and Liquidsoap’s configurations are coupled. In perticular, they should define which port/URL should be used to contact each other: see Configuring Showergel and Showergel integration in Liquidsoap scripts.

If you installed Showergel as a system service, don’t forget to restart showergel’s service after editing its configuration file. If you installed your Liquidsoap script as a system service, restart this service after editing the script - and, of course, after running liquidsoap --check my_script.liq ! In both cases, log files are in the same folder as instance’s other files.

Running multiple Liquidsoap scripts

An instance of the showergel program is the companion of one Liquidsoap stream. The two programs will communicate with each other to produce and follow this stream. An instance relies on a configuration file (something.toml) and a database (an SQLite file). It can be installed as a system service, named after information you provide at set-up time.

If you are running multiple Liquidsoap streams on the same machine, you’ll have to set up one Showergel instance per stream. In that case,

  • each instance should have a different name

  • each instance should run on a different port number

We advise you to put all instance’s files (configuration, DB, logs) in the same folder as the corresponding .liq file. When running multiple Liquidsoaps, create a folder per instance.

Install for back-end development

Depencencies, installation and packing is done by Poetry. Once Poetry is installed, create a Python3 environment, activate it, and run poetry install from a clone of Showergel’s repository.

When developping, your Liquidsoap script and Showergel should be launched manually. Run showergel_install --dev to create an empty database (showergel.db) and a basic configuration file (showergel.toml) in the current folder. Read (and edit, maybe) showergel.toml, launch Liqudisoap, then run showergel showergel.toml. You’ll likely want to enable the detailed log by setting level=DEBUG in the logger_root section of the toml file.

Test with pytest. See also Packaging and publishing Showergel.

Install for front-end development

The front-end is written in JavaScript packed with Yarn, with VueJS’s single-file components. We use the Bulma CSS Framework.

To modify the front-end, you must beforehand install Yarn and Vue_CLI, then run yarn install from the repository root. Start the live-building server with yarn serve. If you don’t have time to install the whole back-end, you can call the demo app by creating a front/.env file that contains:


Similarly, a fully-working HTML/JS/CSS build is included in this repository, so one doesn’t have to install yarn and Vue while working on the back-end. Those files are generated by yarn build.


Please do not commit modifications in the /showergel/www/ folder. In order to avoid complex and useless conflicts, commits concerning this folder should only happen on the main branch.

Deploy the demo to

In demo mode, the application starts by putting fake data in the database. It’s enabled by putting demo = True in the configuration file’s [listen] section.

Source repository includes a configuration that can be pushed to Fly (thanks to fly.toml, Procfile and procfile.toml), so right after cloning you can flyctl launch (only the first time) then fly deploy.

We might need to update requirements.txt from time to time:

poetry export --with dev --without-hashes -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt

--with dev is here because requirements.txt is also used by ReadTheDocs to compile the present documentation, which requires a Sphinx extension.