Showergel integration in Liquidsoap scripts

Most Showergel features require your Liquidsoap script to implement a link with Showergel. This page presents these links, as seen from Liquidsoap. All examples below assume your Liquidsoap script starts with a variable defining Showergel’s URL, as:

SHOWERGEL = "http://localhost:2345"

Showergel’s quickstart.liq

We showcase the complete Showergel integration in a “quick-start script” you can download here. It is tested against Liquidsoap 2.1.x. This .liq file defines typical radio sources and is heavily commented: you can use it to start your first stream, or pick portions that would improve your existing script (it also contain a few Liquidsoap tricks!).


Showergel and Liquidsoap are not secured against malicious access. In the worst case, this could result in innapropriate control of your radio’s program. Please isolate the machine running Showergel on both physical and network levels.

Sections below discuss implementation details on integrating each Showergel feature.

Display/skip current track

You need to enable Liquidsoap’s telnet server. For example:

settings.server.telnet.port.set(1234) is the IP address of localhost. The port value should match the one in Showergel’s configuration’s [liquidsoap] section. If you are running multiple instances of Liquidsoap on the same machine, be careful to set a different port for each one.


Do not use a public IP address as bind_addr. This would open your Liquidsoap instance to the Internet, and someone might connect and mess up your programs.

If your script has multiple outputs, ensure the main one has an identifier by setting its id="identifier" parameter. This identifier should be copied as output in the [liquidsoap] section.

Logging metadata

You need to define a function that will post metadata to Showergel:

def post_to_showergel(md)
    response ="#{SHOWERGEL}/metadata_log",
        headers=[("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")],
    if response.status_code != 200
        log(label="Warning", "Error while posting metadata to Showergel: #{response} #{response.status_code} #{response.status_message}")

radio.on_metadata(fun(m) ->, {post_to_showergel(m)}))

We advise to plug the function with source.on_metadata, but source.on_track may work too.


Many Liquidsoap operators repeat previous track’s metadata when switching from a source to a another. This concerns operators whose replay_metadata parameter defaults to true. This often yields duplicate entries in the log, although Showergel does its best to ignore duplicates.

In other words, if you get duplicates in the metadata log, you might avoid them by adding replay_metadata=false to your fallback/random/rotate/switch operators. Especially if they’re track-insensitive.

Authenticating users on harbor

Liquidsoap’s input.harbor can require authentication by giving user and password parameters. But this implies

  • storing the clear password in your .liq script

  • sharing those credentials

  • restarting the Liquidsoap stream when you want to update those credentials

This is unconvenient and not enough secured.

Instead, you can rely on Showergel to hold the list of users and their passwords - encrypted. Then you will be able to add/edit crendentials from Showergel’s web interface. This method requires creating an authentication function (in your .liq) passed to intput.harbor’s auth parameter (instead of user and password).

This function can be written as:

def auth_function(login) =
    response ="#{SHOWERGEL}/login",
        headers=[("Content-Type", "application/json")],
    if response.status_code == 200 then
        log("Access granted to #{login.user}")
        log("Access denied to #{login.user}")

harbor = input.harbor(auth=auth_function, ...